Crafts/Gardening & Game IDEAS

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Crafts for Seniors
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Graphics for Seniors
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This website is dedicated to seniors who are living in a nursing home or in an independent setting. As an Activities Assistant, I worked with seniors in a nursing home and planned daily activities involving crafts, gardening and games on a daily basis. The work of an Activities Assistant involves searching and finding new and exciting ideas that will interest seniors at many different levels. The daily activities of seniors should be a learning experience that is positive and entertaining and fills their lives with fun and excitement! name is Sandy Pasquarella and I'm a retired Activities Assistant. I live along the Jersey Shore and worked in a nursing home for many years with many wonderful people and many gifted and talented seniors. Planning activities in a nursing home involves working with seniors who are functioning at many different levels, but, the one common goal every senior shares is a desire to enjoy life no matter what the challenge. My daily task was to meet that challenge with fun and creative ideas. Working with the elderly is a very special and rewarding experience, and to be able to share with them my love for crafts and gardening made the time I spent with them very special.The purpose of this website is to offer to others working in activities some creative ideas that will hopefully put a smile on the faces of those living in our senior communities while adding a few hours of enjoyment to their lives.