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Spring & Summer Trivia Board Games
GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: To set up these word games for your seniors, you will need a school-size portable chalkboard. You will also need plenty of chalk, an eraser, wet paper towels and a bath towel to clean and dry your board.
INSTRUCTIONS: To draw the grid on the chalkboard for the Spring and Summer board game featured below, first draw 3 vertical lines to make 4 columns across the board. Then draw 6 horizontal lines below the heading. Write your 3 topics above the last 3 columns. Then write the word "Spring" or "Summer" by placing each of the letters in the first column. Start the game by using your word guide to help the seniors find words to fill in the topics using each of the letters in the word "Spring" or "Summer.
Click here to print all Trivia Board games in one PDF file.
PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS: You can print all the Trivia Board games automatically by pressing the PDF button above.
If you have an INTERNET EXPLORER, FOXFIRE or SAFARI browser you can print the Trivia board games provided below and save them in a file on your computer.
You must print from the PDF file if you have a CHROME browser because they are incompatible with printing from this website.
To save the Trivia board games provided below: Right click your mouse over the image, and when the box opens, choose the
"Save image as" option to save the image in a file on your computer.
To print the images from your computer: Go to the print settings on your computer and make sure to check the "Scale to fit media" box, then change the units to inches. The image will automatically be re-sized to fit the page. These images will print out 8 " x 10 " in full color, or you can change these images to black and white by choosing that option in your print settings.
Spring & Summer Word Guides
Click to enlarge Print the images below

GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: Prepare your chalkboard by cleaning it thoroughly. Gather together a good supply of chalk, some erasers, and some wet paper towels along with a bath towel.
INSTRUCTIONS: To draw the grid on your chalkboard that will hold your word game, first draw 2 vertical lines evenly spaced across your board. Now draw 4 horizontal lines that are also evenly spaced across the board and leave room for a heading at the top. This grid will create 3 columns across your board and 4 columns down. In the heading at the top of the board write your 3 topics above each column. In the first column, spell out the word "Fall" by placing each letter in the word Fall inside each box in the first column. Start the game by using your word guide to help the seniors find words to fill in the topics. Ask seniors to name an animal, food or flower starting with each of the letters in the word "Fall."
PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS: Print the word game below by using the same printing instructions from the Spring & Summer Trivia Board game.
Fall Trivia Word Guide
Click to enlarge Image Print image below

GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: Clean and prepare your chalkboard. Gather together plenty of chalk, erasers, wet paper towels and a bath towel.
INSTRUCTIONS: To draw your grid onto the chalkboard that will hold your word game, first draw 2 horizontal lines at the top of your board and evenly space the word "Winter" across the top of the board. Between the 2 lines fill in the names of your topics carefully spacing them below each of the letters in the word winter. Next, draw 5 vertical lines to make 6 columns across the board, positioning then below each topic. Start the game by using your word guide to help the seniors find words to fill in each of the 6 topics.
PRINTING: Print the word game below by following the same printing instructions from the Spring & Summer Trivia Board Game.
Winter Trivia Word Guide
Click to enlarge image Print the image below


GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: The purpose of this game is to see how many words your seniors can create using all the letters within a phrase.
PREPARATIONS: First, clean and prepare your chalkboard. Then gather together plenty of chalk, erasers, wet paper towels and a bath towel to dry your board.
INSTRUCTIONS: Across the top of the chalkboard draw 2 horizontal lines, and write your phrase above the top line. In between the 2 lines, write in large print all the letters included in your phrase that the seniors will be able to use when making their words. List separately all the letters that are not included in the phrase. Make 6 columns across the bottom of the board by drawing 5 evenly spaced vertical lines below the heading. Now, list within the columns all the words your seniors create using the letters from within the phrase, and use your word guide to help them.
PRINTING: Print the Spring Trivia game below. Use the same printing instructions from the Spring & Summer Trivia Board Game.
Spring Phrase Word Guide
Print this Image Click to enlarge image


GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: The purpose of this game is to see how many words your seniors can create using all the letters within a phrase.
PREPARATIONS: First, clean and prepare your chalkboard. Then gather together all the materials you will need. Have plenty of chalk, erasers, wet paper towels, and a bath towel handy to dry your chalkboard.
INSTRUCTIONS: Across the top of the chalkboard draw 2 horizontal lines, and write your phrase above the top line. In between the 2 lines, write in large print all the letters included within the phrase that the seniors will be able to use when making their words. List separately all the letters that are not included in the phrase. Make 6 columns across the bottom of the board by drawing 5 evenly spaced vertical lines below the heading. Now, list within the columns all the words your seniors create using the letters from within the phrase, and use your
word guide to help them.
PRINTING: Print the Summer Trivia game below. Use the same printing instructions from the Spring & Summer Trivia Board Game.
Summer Phrase Word Guide
Print this Image Click to enlarge image


GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: The purpose of this game is to see how many words your seniors can create using all the letters within a phrase.
PREPARATIONS: Prepare and clean your chalkboard, then gather together plenty of chalk, erasers, wet paper towels and a bath towel to clean and dry your chalkboard.
INSTRUCTIONS: Across the top of the chalkboard draw 2 horizontal lines, and write your phrase above the top line. In between the 2 lines, write in large print all the letters incuded in the phrase that the seniors will be able to use when making their words. List seperately all the letters that are not included in the phrase. Make 6 columns across the bottom of the board by drawing 5 evenly spaced vertical lines below the heading. Now, list within each column all the words the seniors create using the letters from within the phrase, and use your word guide to help them.
PRINTING: Print the Fall Trivia Game below. Use the same printing instructions from the Spring & Summer Trivia Board Game.
Fall Phrase Word Guide
Print this image Click to enlarge Image


The purpose of this game is to see how many words your seniors can create using all the letters within a phrase.
PREPARATIONS: Prepare and clean your chalkboard and gather together all the supplies you will need for the game.
INSTRUCTIONS: Across the top of the chalkboard draw 2 horizontal lines and write your phrase above the top line. In between the 2 lines write in large print all the letters included in the phrase that the seniors will be able to use when making their words. List separately all the letters that are not included in the phrase. Make 6 columns across the bottom of the board by evenly spacing 5 vertical lines. List inside the columns all the words the seniors create using the letters from within the phrase, and use your word guide to help them.
PRINTING: Print the winter Trivia Game below. Use the same printing instructions from the Spring & Summer Trivia Board Game.
Winter Phrase Word Guide
Print this Image Click to enlarge Image


GROUP ACTIVITY FOR SENIORS: Seniors love games that involve famous celebrities and Hollywood stars. Before starting this Trivia game make sure to become familiar with the movies and accomplishments of the celebrities in this game.
PREPARATIONS: First prepare your chalkboard and gather plenty of chalk, erasers, wet paper towels and bath towels to clean and dry your board.
DIRECTIONS: To create the grid on your chalkboard for this game, first draw 8 vertical lines evenly spaced across your chalkboard to create 9 columns that will fit all the letters in the word "Celebrity." Now, write the word celebrity across the top of the board putting a letter above each of the nine columns. Next, Draw 5 horizontal lines evenly spaced below your heading and this will create enough spaces to enter all of your celebrities names. The celebrities in this word guide include Hollywood stars from television and movies. Also included are famous musicians and historical figures. To play the game have the seniors name celebrities whose first or last name begins with each of the letters in the word "Celebrity."
PRINTING: Print the Celebrity board game below.
Use the same printing instructions from the
Spring and Summer Trivia board game.
Celebrity Word Guide
Print this Image Click to enlarge Image

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